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Our research  focuses on many aspects of reproductive biology and early life development of aquatic organisms
Sexual Selection and Gamete Interactions
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Applied Reproductive Physiology 
Gamete Cryopreservation Techniques
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Goal is to understand and control gametogenesis, gamete physiology, fertilization, embryonic, and larval development for aquatic species of commercial importance, and identify factors regulating these processes.

Develop techniques to cryopreserve genetic resources (i.e. create a “germplasm repository”) for commercially important and endangered aquatic species.

Interested in gamete interactions between males and females during reproduction and how they affect next generation.

Click each picture to learn more

My name is Ian Anthony Ernest Butts and I am an Associate Professor at Auburn University (Auburn, Alabama, USA) in the School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences. Since the start of my BSc degree in Marine Biology I have been fascinated by the earliest life stages in aquatic organisms.

This has ultimately prompted me to pursue a career in academics, so I can explore all aspects of reproductive physiology and early life history (i.e. gametes to early juveniles) in marine/freshwater species. To keep colleagues and visitors updated on our research activities we have constructed a website which highlights some of our past and current experiences in aquatic sciences. Please visit regularly as we will try to keep our website updated. For now, we wish everyone best of luck with daily endeavors and always remember

“a blank sheet of paper equals endless possibilities” Michael Scott - The Office

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